Allahummasolli'ala Muhammad.
Jumaah mubarak everyone!:)
We have been moving out from our previous house almost one week already. The new house seems like a train wreck with everything is everywhere. My toothaches continues to arching very badly and I just let it be that way. No one give any other options (in my previous post) or ideas for me to consider except my husband asking me to take pain killer which I shoved away unless its has turning a severe pain. Allahu, Allah. At last the thing that he can do only help is reciting several ayah to lessen my pain.
No, its not my baby. Two of the most wonderful people that I ever known, Nadiah and Aizat have delivered a baby girl!
Nad's due is actually the end of this month but the night before she give birth we talk on the phone and she said she felt a contraction pain and a little blood is coming out and I said I will left her to take a rest and I just said to her to recite Ya Latif and salawah for that current time since my husband said that the blood is not an exact indicator for a delivery. No one knows, just a few hours later, she has successfully deliver a baby girl. Alhamdulillah. I can imagine them wearing a cute dress and colorful hair bands. The jolly feelings of dressing up a baby girl is just way too fun.:)
May both child bring the joy, happiness and all the good things in this world & akhirah for both of the parents. I'm so happy for both of them and may Allah helps them to go through this new path of life in raising their child to be an obedient servant of HIM, a soleh child to their parents and a great human being.
Just receiving the news has turns my heart into pure joy and happiness and bring a tears on my eyes. Both of them are wonderful people, Subhanallah and Allah has make things easier for them.
mabruk..sukanya dengar cerita orang dapat baby :)
ReplyDeletemabruk pada deme berdua kak aini. Saya ni ketentuannya tidak tahu lagi. Kak Aini lagi lah dah advance dengan kurniaan anak dan pengalama mendidik dan membesarkan anak-anak. Kami semua setahun jagung pun belum lg. Syukur atas setiap taqdir Allah:)
ReplyDeleteassalamualaikum..akak masa prgnt anak sulong n kedua memang sakit gigi teruk.. x ingat nama ubat tu, letak kat kapas dan bubuh kat lubang gigi(sakit pada gigi yang tertanggal tampalannya)..alhamdulillah anak ke-3 dan ke-4 x kena dah, sabab gigi tu dah dicabut..
ReplyDeleteAhlan kak feeda. Waalaikumsalam.
ReplyDeleteSaya memang baru guna ubat tu dari seminggu lepas. Suami dan doc tak bagi makan dah antibiotik (yg utk pregnant). Ubat cengkih kan. Alhamdulillah, beransur ok. Lega sikit rasanya Alhamdulillah.
Terima kasih banyak2 kak feeda sudi ziarah blog ni.:)
sakit gigi. sakitnya. akak bila sakit gigi letak minayk cap kapak. hmm sedap je rasa.
ReplyDeletesemoga semuanya khair ye ukhti.
assalamualaikum su...
ReplyDeletethanks ye....doakan kita dapat jadi ibu yang terbaik untuk amanah yang ALLAH berikan ini
semoga su juga berjaya menempuh saat2 manis kelahiran seorang khalifah nanti......banyakkan doa dan selawat.....